Enhanced Online Security
We have many tools that we use to assure that when you use Online Banking your account information is secure. One of these is Enhanced Online Security, the newest layer of security for our customers who use Online Banking. After you have submitted your Access ID on the Bank of Utica homepage, check your browser's address bar. If it's green, your connection with us is safe. If your browser's address bar is not green, contact our Checking Account Department at (315) 797-2761 so we can determine if you are safely accessing our website.
Here's how it works
The technology uses machine forensics to determine if you are accessing your account from a pre-registered computer. Every time you access your accounts online, you are protected by a multi-layer security system designed to identify you in a number of ways. Your login credentials are one layer. We also look at the device you are using, whether it's your tablet, computer, or phone. If it's a device we don't recognize, we may ask you to answer a pre-set challenge question to further verify your identity. We also look at geographic indicators. If access is being requested from a location that is different than those we've observed in the past, we may ask you additional questions.
This same technology helps you to verify that you are on the Bank's website. An address bar that is not green means you are not connected to our site. In this case, DO NOT enter a password call our Checking Account Department at 315-797-2761. Of course, you can enroll additional computers, such as one from work or home, simply by answering one of the preset security questions you set up during the enrollment process. We suggest that you do not enroll a public computer such as one at a hotel or a Wi-Fi hotspot.
We have recently partnered with IBM, a leading expert in online security, to offer our customers Trusteer Rapport. With a quick installation, Trusteer Rapport protects your online banking communication from financial fraud. Here at Bank of Utica, your security is our top priority.
To watch our educational video on enhanced online security, please visit our Online Education and see how we protect your personal information.
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